Christian life should be dangerous. We should not live as leisure Christians, but those who take risks in faith knowing that our Eternal Life Assurance is underwritten by Jesus himself.
Living in our world today seems to be getter more and more dangerous especially for Christians. In John 17:14,
Jesus prayed, “I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.” How many of you wish you could escape it all and move straight into our eternal joy with God? We read, however, in John 17:15, that this is not the will of Jesus:
“My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.”
We have a job to do for Jesus and we have to remain in this dangerous world to do it.
John’s Gospel stands apart from Matthew, Mark and Luke and the voice of Jesus is very different. The author seems to have selected specific events in Jesus’ life and ministry and against the context of those events, expanded his Gospel to include sophisticated theological ideas. He does
this through the voice of Jesus, but in a way which you don’t find in the other three Gospels.
It seems odd that such a profoundly beautiful prayer such as the one recorded in John 17 is not recorded by Matthew, Mark or Luke. Could it be that the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17 is another example of the author’s reflective theology set in the context of a prayer? Or, could be a
genuine account of a moment of intense and intimate prayer offered by Jesus in which he used unforgettable words now imprinted in the memories and hearts of those present? I would like to think it was the latter, but we simply don’t know. Regardless of how we interpret John 17 it contains the most beautiful, comforting and yet challenging teaching.
How many of you are adrenaline “junkeys” and enjoy scuba diving, bungee- jumping, skiing off-piste and jumping out of perfectly serviceable aeroplanes? If you do, then I dare say that for peace of mind you all have specialist dangerous sport’s insurance.
As I was wrestling with my thoughts and study for this sermon a rather crazy idea came into my mind. Why not
look upon John 17, as a Specialist Insurance Policy schedule. Humour me if you will, but I have called this Insurance package, “Eternal Life Insurance.”
Let’s look at the details of the policy more closely.
First of all, the benefits. The first is to be found in John 17:2, from which the name of this Policy is derived, “Eternal Life Assurance.” In the event of our death we who take out
this policy are guaranteed Eternal life.
The second benefit is outlined in John 17:11. This is Eternal Life Protection.” My computer often flashes up reports of how many trackers an unwanted intruders have been prevented from access to my laptop. We are protected by God our Father, under the Name of Jesus Christ, from more than we can ever imagine: “Holy Father, protect them by the
power of your name, the name you gave me.”
The third benefit is outlined in John 17:24, “Eternal Life Privileged Membership.” Those taking out this policy belong to the Father. We will be where Jesus is, and will see his glory, the glory the Father gave him because he loved him before the creation of the world. What an extraordinary thing it will be to see Jesus and be with him
for ever, but that is the guarantee of this policy.
But, but before you get too excited, may I remind you of the chief exclusion to this Policy in v15. This Policy is issued only on the strict understanding and agreement of the policy holder that it is the express wish of the underwriter that that they are not exempt from living in the world. Further more all policy holders
committed to unity in faith, love and life.
You are called as Christians to live life on the line for Jesus. You live in a world which hates you for what you believe, but you have an Insurance Policy underwritten by Jesus himself.
According to an online article provided by Risk Resource,
a nationally recognised financial services company, the title of “Underwriter” goes
all the way back to the late 17th Century.
In Lloyds Coffee shop in London, wealthy bankers used to meet to discuss investment in maritime trade. The bankers would literally write their names under the names of ships listed on boards around the coffee shop in order to signify their acceptance of the risk in insuring the vessel for its voyage in return for a
percentage of the value of its cargo upon the ship’s return.
Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus has signed his name under yours. Your Eternal Life Insurance policy is underwritten by Jesus himself. He has invested so much in you and accepts the risk you present so that we can carry the message of his Gospel across dangerous seas like the merchant sailing ships did so long ago. How do we know this? From the
words of Jesus recorded in John 17:20:
“My prayer is not for them alone (e.i. the disciples). I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.”
Are we leisure Christians? Then it is high time we took up Eternal Life Insurance.
The purpose of taking out any Insurance is to have peace of mind. We can go out in our cars without fearing what will
happen if we bump into another car. We can enjoy the snow on the ski slopes without wondering what will come of us if we break a leg. Eternal Life Insurance is not just about what happens next, but what happens now. There may be other Policies out there for leisure Christians, but though they are cheaper they do not offer the same benefits and certainly do not offer Eternal Life.