

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all our hearts be acceptable in Your sight our Redeemer and strength. “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship..” (Gal 4:4-5) Chosen Do you feel […]


Too proud to bury the hatchet

I wonder, do you have any long standing family disagreements? Do you have anything in your wider family circle which may be classed as a feud? If you do then you will know how horrible such things are. The formation of two sides in opposition, harbouring long held resentment over past injustices or even perpetuated […]


I’ll give you three guesses

Why is it that some people say “Guess what’s happened?” and when faced with a blank look continue with, “I’ll give you three guesses?”  Do you find it mildly irritating when people do that to you?  Often people will say “I’ll give you three guesses” when they are  bursting to share a piece of good […]


Custodian or trustee?

What have you done with your Christian faith recently?  I am not pointing any fingers.  I am asking the same question of myself too, but what have you done with your faith?  When was the last time you shared the joy of your faith with someone else? When was the last time you did something […]


The Real Deal

Are you feeling happy? I hope very much that you, but even more so I hope that you are not feeling unhappy.  I know that many of you reading or listening to this are carrying significant burdens of worry and even sadness.  Some of you have known the acute pain of bereavement from those dear […]

Matthew Sermons Uncategorized Unforgiving servant Word of the week


Do you have debts?  Most people do, but they remain in control. Some of you, however, may have had the awful experience of being in uncontrolled debt. Debt is like a deadly trap from which some people cannot escape.  Many incur even deeper debt through short term high interest loans or even resort to criminal […]

Matthew Sermons Word of the week

Who let the dogs out?

The story of Jesus’s encounter with the Canaanite woman in Tyre and Sidon is one of the more controversial events in His ministry.  On the face of it, He is being disgustingly rude to a foreign woman who is seeking His help.  I want to encourage you, however, that this is a wonderful story about […]

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