Last weekend we had thepleasure of attendingTimothy’s graduation fromGerman school havingachieved his ABI. The graduation took place on theFriday, but on the evening ofthe following day weattended his Abi Ball. It tookplace outside Hameln. All theguests were dressed and thefood was great. Timothy waspartnered with anotherstudent for the first dance ofthe evening which wasreserved for […]
Category: Uncategorized
Buy two get one free
When I first started courting Iused a rather unfortunateterm of endearment to mybeloved which caused thedirect opposite effect than Iintended. Upon saying thewords “I am really fond ofyou,” I was informed that such things were onlyappropriate for potted plants. I now say often, “I love you”not because it sounds better,but because I mean it. Thesame […]
“Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21) I have to admit I often appear to be quite an impatient person. I am very patient with people, but not so patient with things especially computers when I am at at important meeting and “not responding” […]
Something any military commander must consider before planning any combat operations is: What is the enemy doing and why? Unless you understand likely enemy movements and anticipate the enemy’s next move you cannot intercept and defeat them. Jesus’s prime enemy was and still is satan and the evil forces of the spiritual world. So let’s […]
The Highest rank of all
Jesus has the rank of God along with the Father and the Holy Spirit. I wonder, are you confident to explain the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity? Believe me many have tried, but perhaps not many have tried this approach which came to me as I prepared a series of talks I delivered on my […]
When two or three
No one likes a cheat apart from the cheater who often prides themselves on their cunning ability to circumvent the rules to their own advantage. I have been watching a TV fishing competition recently called Kingfisher. The show comprises three different professional anglers from vastly different parts of the world who in turn host the […]
Into the ring
Do you have to go Church to be a CHRISTIAN? Let’s find out. All of us I dare say will have at some stage watched a boxing competition on television. Those of us who have served in the armed forces will almost certainly have watched live boxing matches and may even have participated in one […]
New for old
Have you ever been invited to a party where the icebreaker, “Who am I?” Is being played? I want you to imagine watching an invited guest arriving at such a party. The hostess has relieved them of their bottle of wine and box of chocolates and then slapped a post-it sticker on their forehead. The […]
The man who gave people heart
Although I was raised in a church going family, my faith didn’t really come alive until I was 25 and serving in the Army. The turning point for me was discovering the joy of meeting the Lord in a real and personal way through reading the bible, but I am also indebted to those who […]
The End justifies the means
Introduction: The Merriam Webster online dictionary defines the expression “The end justifies the means” is an: “idiom used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it.” In our gospel reading today it is very clear that in the […]