Who are we?
Our Anglican Lutheran joint project was launched on 27 Sep 2023. We offer a monthly service of Holy Communion / Mass in English and German in accordance with the Anglican and Lutheran sung Church traditions.
Worshippers of all denominations are most welcome to attend.
The services are celebrated in a colourful sacramental tradition incorporating wonderful aspects of the Anglican and Evangelical Lutheran traditions with a solid evangelical preaching tradition in English and German.
The Gnadenkirch zum Heiligen Kreuz is a warm and welcoming church and our joint monthly worshipping community comprises both German and English speaking people.
Future Services
Sun 1 September 11:00 Eucharist
Sun. 6. October 11:00 am Harvest Thanksgiving / Erntedank (followed by bring and share lunch)
Sun. 3. November 11:00 am All Saints-Sunday
Sun. 10. November 10:30 am Remembrance Sunday (Hannover War cemetery)
Sun. 1. December 11:00 am First Sunday of Advent
Sun. 22. December 18:00 pm Nine Lessons and carols
Please, come along for tea or coffee after the service
How to get there please follow this Link: